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Downloading Full Size Images From Flickr


S.J. Anderson:You can download any of the various sizes, including the originals, from the all sizes page for a given image. Click the download icon on the photo page to get there.Posted 52 months ago.( permalink)

Hi, does anybody know how to download images whose downloading have been disabled. I mean their original (!) size, not just large, like 2048x1342 or 1024x683. I`ve tried all the ways i`ve known, but no result. Will be very appreciative for right answer!Posted at 3:42AM, 2 October 2019 PST(permalink)

downloading full size images from flickr

econom41:Hi, does anybody know how to download images whose downloading have been disabled.If a photo owner disabled downloading, then (s)he doesn't want you to download their photos. Asking here how to violate other members rights isn't what you can expect an answer for.Posted 41 months ago.( permalink)

But there are a few posts on this forum which say some flickr users are anyway able to download original size images that are locked and flickr`s downloading preventing system doesn`t work. So rights violation of others is allowed for such a users?Posted 41 months ago.( permalink)

The op has No followers, No public photo's and wants to download original sized images.Nope not suspicious at all ...................... Yeah right!Posted 41 months ago.( permalink)

econom41:But there are a few posts on this forum which say some flickr users are anyway able to download original size images that are locked and flickr`s downloading preventing system doesn`t work. So rights violation of others is allowed for such a users?Do you have links to these posts ? Because if someone has blocked downloading of originals then they cannot be downloaded.Posted 41 months ago.( permalink)

econom41:But there are a few posts on this forum which say some flickr users are anyway able to download original size images that are locked and flickr`s downloading preventing system doesn`t work. So rights violation of others is allowed for such a users?You certainly have a special talent for twisting things into your own brand of logic don't you - and pretty unabashed to boot.Okay, so I too would ask, please provide links to those posts.Oh, and blocking downloading means that it is technically IMPOSSIBLE to get at the originals.Posted 41 months ago.( permalink)

econom41:If you care to read with more care, those posts are about getting around the block to grab the Flickr generated sizes when downloading is disabled.Yet even then, the Original cannot be accessed.Posted 41 months ago.( permalink)

Hi! When I downloaded a image from the iOS Flickr app, i do not get the full resolution of my original image. Not possible, or is it something I'm missing? On the computer you can chose file size; from small to original, but that's not an option as I experience it with the app. Does it change if i upgrade to Pro?Posted at 4:16AM, 18 January 2017 PST(permalink)

kmacgray:That would be great. Just updated the app and downloaded from Flickr to my photo gallery; the original pic was 13mb in size, but the download pic was about 5mb. Yes, the dimensions are the same, but not the size. But thanks for replying;)Posted 74 months ago.( permalink)

I did, but it does not match my recent download, as I wrote. My own photo was 13mb but reduced to 5mb. Big difference from the original. But if he mean only dimension and not size, when he refers to "original quality", then yes. Or is it something I'm completely missing here?Posted 74 months ago.( permalink)

hemunoz79:Yes, in testing this I am seeing something similar. See below. pintado.jorge:and a large quality version for other people's photosBut which large size? There are three different ones: 1024, 1600 and 2048.the Flickr iOS app downloads the original quality for your own photosWhat you are saying here doesn't appear to be correct. As a test, I took this original file, which is 2048 x 1416, and is 3.3 mb in downloaded it via the Flickr app. The resulting file is still 2048 x 1416, but is 659k in size. So clearly that's not the original uploaded file.None of the large sized versions downloaded from my all sizes page are 659k in size, so is the app generating some oddball-sized version?Posted 74 months ago.( permalink)

On Flickr, you can batch download images either from the Albums page or from the Camera Roll page. If you've organized your photos into Albums, you can download an entire album by clicking the download button. The photos will be downloaded in a ZIP file.

When Flickr is done gathering your files, it will send an email letting you know your Zip files are ready for download. It took two days to process 15,000 or so images and videos in 30 Zip files from my Flickr account.

This code was used to generate the data set forIM2GPS: estimating geographic information from a single imageand an earlier version was used forScene Completion Using Millions of PhotographsThe code is written in Python and Matlab and tested in Linux.Link to code. (3.1 MB .zip)Below is the readme which is included with the code.&nbspThis code was original written by Tamara Berg, then extended byJames Hays ( older version of this code was used to generate the geotagged database for IM2GPS: estimating geographic information from a single image.James Hays and Alexei A. Efros. CVPR 2008. code operates in two distinct stages: first querying for images, then downloading them.--------------------1) Querying--------------------The image query code is written in Python, using the Python FlickrAPI interface which gives acknowledgements and credits in the topof To use the Flickr API, you need an API key (see ) which you will need to enterin (line 40) in addition to changing the output path (line 71).The query script,, searches for Flickrimages with keywords listed in place_rec_queries.txt. Negativeconstraints are found at the bottom of place_rec_queries.txt.Querying FAQa) I don't care about geo-tagged images, I want them all.As is, will only retrieve geotaggedimages. To retrieve all images delete the has_geo = "1", accuracy="6",constraints to the Flickr search API calls (lines 121 and 210).b) Why does look so complicated / run soslow?The Flickr API will disable your key if you query too rapidly, soit makes sense to do large queries which return hundreds ofresults. But doing big queries is problematic, because thereseems to be a long existing and long known bug in the Flickrsearch function- for any given search, after the 1500th or soimage, duplicates will start to appear. You can get around thisby doing time bounded queries, but then you run into the problemof having to do too many small queries.Therefore does queries within dynamicallysized time intervals, always trying to have about 400 results fora query. If few images are being found because you've done a rarequery, the time interval for queries will tend to expand. If toomany images are being found the time interval will shrink. As thetime window moves towards the present day it will tend to getnarrower, because the rate that people upload pictures to Flickrseems to be increasing.c) Will I get duplicate images?Yes. If an image is tagged with two keywords that you are searchingfor, that image will show up in both search results. Flickr imageshave unique serial numbers that make it easy to identify duplicates.d) Can I run the script in parallel to speed things up?It's possible, but it's more likely to get your API key disabled.--------------------2) Downloading--------------------The image download code is written in Matlab. It accesses imageson Flickr's http server instead of going through the API, and thusdoesn't require an API key. It reads the text files produced, downloads the photo, and saves all ofthe image attributes (tags, interestingness, long/lat, etc...) asa matlab cell string array in the comment field of each jpg. Useimfinfo() to read them later.The main function is downloadphotos_int.m. You'll need to set thepaths at the top. if you've changed any of the fields saved bythey query script you'll need to edit the download script since itexpects certain fields in certain order (see the source code foran example).Downloading FAQa) What size images will this get?Currently the code will try and find the Flickr "Large" sizephoto, which has max width or height of 1024. Failing that itwill try to get the "Original" size photo. If the "Original" islarger than 1024 height/width it will be downsampled to 1024. Ifit is smaller than 500 height or width it will be thrown away.Otherwise the image will be kept.A significant fraction of images are too small by this criteriaand thus are thrown away. An alternative strategy would be todownload only the default size images, which will always be available although somewhat small.b) How are the images written to disk?Since most file systems have trouble with thousands of files in adirectory, the images are put into a hierarchy of directories thatcontain no more than 1000 images each. The hierarchy isbase_db_path / keyword / numbered subdir / img_namefor exampleFlickr_gps/Argentina/00015/315157387_c36ba74681_100_23812473@N00.jpgThe image filenames contain the photo id, secret, server id, andowner which can be used to trace the .jpg back to its source onFlickr. See the source code for examples of how the URLs areconstructed.c) What about all those annoying artsy borders that people putaround their Flickr photos?The download script tries to remove them, see Can I run the download script in parallel?Yes, I've run 15 copies in parallel in the past. I wouldn'trecommend doing any more than this because Flickr could get mad atus. They're aware that researchers are using Flickr as a datasource but their main concern is that we don't impact the qualityof service for the millions of people who use Flickr.To run multiple scripts in parallel you'll need to split up thetext files from the query process manually, then change the pathin downloadphotos_int.m for each call.e) What are these libraries and mex files?Matlab's image resizing is slow so I call the open_cv image resizethrough a wrapper. If that's not working you can just change thefunction calls to fast_resize to Matlab's slower imresize().f) What about copyrights?It is worth noting that Flickr allows photographers to specifyCreative Commons licenses for their images instead of the default"all rights reserved". This script saves the license info witheach .jpg file, so you can pick out Creative Commons images afterthe fact (in my experience it's less than 10% of images) It isalso possible to restrict the search to images with certainlicenses at query time. See the Flickr API for details. Comments, questions to James Hays. 2ff7e9595c

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