I also firmly believe that they're nowhere near as prevalent as people make them out to be, in my time playing, I can only ever remember seeing 8 or so tanks which I knew were actually bots. Not to mention a good bot isn't completely a hindrance to your team, anyways.
I am actually surprised how often I see the Bot accusation thrown around. I remember vividly having a pair of teammates who were platooned rage at me endlessly for being a bot when I got taken out in a close-quarters frontal engagement with an IS-7 whilst driving my T34 a few weeks back. Could I have handled the engagement better, sure, but to be honest I haven't necessarily gotten a feel for the armor profile of the IS-7... I just don't see them that often. Honestly I think the whole "He is a bot" thing is just another way of angry people expressing rage over a game. Some poor players, like myself, are just poor players. Some poor players worse than myself are still just that, poor players. Yeah I have seen the seemingly scripted behavior before, but it isn't like I see 5 of them every game. Hell I don't think I even see 5 of them in a weekend.
Front Line Tanks bot
Download File: https://consbemtrana.blogspot.com/?ev=2vGeCL
Although I have seen definite Bots they are rare, usually they're steadily firing at tanks even though they are on the other side of a hill or building or bumping from object to object. Most of the so-called bots are bad players or players with huge internet problems. I've had my internet go down a few times during play and I'm sure I got called a bot.
Funny thing though is I got called a bot by an idiot recently right before I got my 5th kill in the game and even then he continued on. He was unhappy about the way I was playing even though I killed 5 tanks and damaged at least 3 others, unbelievable. I was in a middle tier medium and he was in a top tier heavy and we both did about the same amount of damage.
Media watchdogs need the technology and analysts to detect and track this stuff. But it is expensive. Just one of the AI tools we use, for example, costs the equivalent of the salary for several journalists per month. That's out of reach even for large media outlets on the continent. So we need to collaborate more to pool resource. We do see more and more collaborative efforts where civic tech organizations and disinformation watchdog organizations work together. One example is our African Digital Democracy Observatory (ADDO) which brings together partners like DFRLab, with African policy think-tanks, global disinformation experts, and forensic investigation teams with AI tools like our CivicSignal and iLAB teams. We're part of a similar network of over 200 newsrooms fighting misinformation, the African Fact Checking Alliance (AFCA), where fact-checkers are pooling resources and helping each other tackle toxic content.
Also, I think that indigenous African civil society and other watchdog organizations are getting better at detecting, understanding and exposing these networks because of flash-points like Ukraine. Awareness is growing that a war is not just bombs and tanks, it's also an information and an economic war.
From November 21 through November 27: Frontline returns for its final launch of 2022! Engage in epic, same-tier 30v30 battles, and earn top rewards (including bonds) with one of the most exciting modes in World of Tanks.
Plz make FL a year round option ? i dont need to worry about being chat banned in FL. AND i can actually e joy grinding my bank account to buy my next lines. I cant stand random battles, im not good at them, but i do extremely well in FL for some reason.
The Frontline BattleMech appears to be one of the most powerful Irken military units, perhaps only comparable to the Massive. Zim commanded one during Operation Impending Doom I, but got so excited he forgot that he had not left Irk yet, and proceeded to destroy the entire Irken army (and almost their entire civilization, according to Sizz-Lorr), and thus he earned his reputation as the worst Invader ever ("The Nightmare Begins").
The Frontline BattleMech was, as its name suggests, designed as a first wave assault unit, rushing into battle and destroying as much as possible. The mech is heavily armed, with lasers built into its hands, as well as a large cannon on its back in addition to possible unseen armaments. Typically, it seems that a crew of technicians operate it from the inside. Zim ordered it throughout Irk, thinking it was an enemy planet, and destroyed the original Invaders.
This Mech is likely a common weapon used for Irkens during ground battles. Possibly a variant of the Frontline Battlemech, the Maim Bot is, for a start, considerably spikier and appears more complicated with tubes and piping running along it's exterior, and is armed with an arm cannon on it's left "hand", and what appears to be a wrist-mounted weapon on it's right "hand".
Its "head" is also more distinct than the dome of the Frontline Battlemech, and is buried between the shoulders of the Maim-Bot, and in "Tak: The Hideous New Girl", it appears to have boosters installed on its legs. Its full range armament and abilities is not displayed on the show, however.
In contrast to human-designed tanks, the Plasma-Armed Battle Tank is multi-legged, as it's picture shows. Further information, such as size, crew positioning, and armament is unavailable (aside from the name).
Zim makes a request for one of these tanks from the Tallest. In the script for "The Trial", it mentions Zim piloting a spider/crab tank. They may have been one and the same, though they were never seen in action. So, this is purely conjecture.
The Voot Cruiser, otherwise referred to as the "Voot Runner" or simply the "Voot", is Zim's personal craft. It can reach incredibly high speeds and is armed with two front-mounted cannons that fire a kind of pulse blast.
For a classic wizard feel, consider the Rock Gnome. For a sturdy front-line artificer, the Hill Dwarf and the Goliath (MMoM version) both work very well. For a ranged artificer, consider the High Elf or the Fairy.
Hit Points: d8 hit points is good for afull caster, but it can be problematic since many Clerics fight on the frontlines. Fortunately, Clerics have the best healing abilities in the game, sothey can easily compensate for a small pool of hit points.
For a durable front-line cleric with a classic feel, consider the hill dwarf. For cleric who insists on using weapons, the high elf can get you Booming Blade. For an extra durable cleric, consider the Warforged. For a long-range support build, consider a flying race like Fairy or the Winged Tiefling.
League changes a lot from patch to patch. If I watch Spring Split games now, the champion picks are virtually unrecognizable in today's meta. While some aspects of the meta remain constant - such as top laners being generally safe champs, whether that means escape tools, survivability, or CC - there's generally a lot of variety. In the first three weeks of the EU LCS Summer Split alone, we saw Maokai, Gnar, Rumble, Hecarim, Jax, Ryze, Gragas, Cho'Gath, Nocturne, Fizz, Dr Mundo, Ekko, Renekton, Vladimir, and Shyvana: mages, assassins, tanks, fighters, all are welcome.
What makes the bottom-lane role so specific? The other members of a team all perform different roles: a top laner could be a teamfight initiator and front-line tank like Maokai, or it could be a straightforward carry like Quinn. A mid laner can be an assassin like Zed, a poke machine like Varus, a utility mage like Orianna, or even a fighter like Diana. But for some reason, we must must must have a bottom lane marksman on every team (and marksman are arguably the most homogenous group of champions).
Why a marksman? They fill the role of constant DPS. Without a threat of constant DPS, sustain tanks like Mundo would rule the game. Melee is poor at DPS since they have to move constantly and most AP champs are focused on burst and lack consistent DPS. The DPS a marksman brings is important both for teamfights and objectives.
Tanks usually have low sustained damage, Mages have either burst or Poke with high cooldown, Melee ADCs are very quickly countered by CC and Supporters are usually just here for initiation and protection. The ADC is the backup. He can kill the frontline with kiting where a Mage would just waste cooldowns or where a melee ADC would just get CCed and bursted. He can work his way through the teamfight with constant high DPS as long as he gets protected by his own frontline. He's also great at cleaning up the remaining teamfight and at getting objectives. If the ADC is the last man standing after a teamfight he can usually kill 1-3 enemies who survived the skirmish with half HP.
As others have said, the ADC build path gives one of the best paths for busting heavy fighters and tanks. Not to say others can't do it (I think a lot of Malz, Vi, and Amumu, to name a couple, to ruin tanks day's), but it rarely comes in the same kit as tower busting otherwise.
Braum is a support-type tank that does best at the front-line. His ability to absorb massive amounts of frontal damage while stunning and slowing his enemies makes him a powerful threat in team-fights and laning.
Dr. Mundo is the God of Self-Sustain, he is literally a walking base fountain. His ability to sustain phenomenal amounts of damage while charging the front-line makes him one of the most feared juggernaut-tanks in the game.
Your goal should be to become so familiar with unit behavior that you can predict the outcome of most matches successfully after seeing the pieces align at the start of the round. Not only that, but you know exactly what the frontline and the carries are going to do.
As of writing, there are a few things that are standard in TFT matches. People will usually position on the left or right side of their board, placing their carries in the back corner and their beefy CC units in front.
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